Rh. albiflorum Hook.
Baltziedu rododendrs
Rh. albrechtii Maxim.
Lax shrub 1-2,5 m high; young shoots at first rather densely setulose-glandular, later eglandular.
Leaves deciduous, in clusters of 5 at the end of branchlets, obovate or oblong-obovate; lamina 3,6-9 cm long, 1,3-4 cm broad; both surfaces rather densely strigose.
Petiole setulose-glandular.
Inflorescence 2-5 flowers, flowers opening before or with the leaves.
Corolla rotate-campanulate, 2,3-3,5 cm long, 3,5-5 cm across, red-purple, bright purplish-rose or deep rose, with olive-green spots.
Japan. 1,000-2,000 m.
Epithet: After Dr. M. Albrecht, Russian naval surgeon.
Rh. ambiguum Hemsl.
sin. Rh. chengshienianum Fang.
Shrub 0,6-5,8 m high; branchlets densely or moderately scaly.
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate or eliptic; lamina 2,3-8 cm long, 1,2-3,2 cm broad; upper surface scaly; underside glaucous, scaly, scales large, unequal differently coloured yellowish-brown, dark brown or blackish, contiguous to their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence 2-7 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2-3,4 cm long, yellow or greenish-yellow, with green spots, outside scaly.
W Sichuan. 2,300-4,500 m.
Epithet: Doubtful.
Rh. arborescens (Pursh) Torr.
Shrub 1-3 m or rarely small tree up to 6 m high; young shoots glabrous, not setulose.
Leaves deciduous, obovate, oblanceolate or oblong-lnceolate; lamina 3-8 cm long, 1,1-3 cm broad; upper surface bright green, glabrous, not strigose; underside pale green or glaucescent, glabrous.
Inflorescence 3-8 flowers, flowers opening after the leaves are developed, very fragrant.
Pedicel glandular.
Corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, 3,5-5,2 cm long, white or pink, with or without a yellow blotch.
Stamens 4,5-6 cm long, about twice as long as the corolla-tube.
Extends from New York and Pennsylvania to Georgia, Alabama, N and S Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee. Up to and over 1,600 m.
Epithet: Becoming tree-like.
Rh. atlanticum (Ashe) Rehder
Low shrub, 30-60 cm high or rarely taller, stoloniferous; young shoots setulose.
Leaves deciduous, obovate or oblong-obovate; lamina 2,2-6,3 cm long, 1,2-2,2 cm broad; upper surface bluish-green or bright green, glabrous, not strigose; underside bright green or glaucescent, glabrous, not strigose, often glandular.
Inflorescence 4-10 flowers, flowers opening before or with the leaves, very fragrant.
Corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, 3,5-4,8 cm long, white. usually flushed pink or purple, without blotch, tube outside and middle of all the lobes glandular with long-stalked glands.
S Pennsylvania and Delaware to Virginia, N and S Carolina, and Georgia.
Epithet: From the Atlantic seaboard.
Rh. aureum Georgi
sin. Rh. chrysanthum Pallas
Small, prostrate or semi-prostrate or compact spreading shrub, 10-60 cm high; annual growth short; leaf-bud scales persistent.
Leaves obovate, oblanceolate, oblong-elliptic or ovate; lamina 2,3-9,5 cm long, 0,8-4 cm broad; upper surface dark green or plive-green; underside glabrous, under magnification punctulate with minute hairs.
Inflorescence a candelabroid umbel of 3-8 flowers, flower-bud scales persistent.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2-3 cm long, yellow, with or without purplish spots.
Extends from the Altai mountains in W Siberia to the mountains of Mongolia, Manchuria, Kamtschatka, Sahalin Island, Kurile Islands, Korea and Japan. 1,500-2,700 m.
Epithet: Golden.
Rh. auriculatum Hemsl.
Sausais rododendrs
Rh. austrinum (Small) Rehder
Shrub up to 2,75 m high, or small tree 4,5 m high or more; branchlets pubescent, glandular.
Leaves deciduous, elliptic, oblong-obovate, obovate or ovate; lamina 3-9 cm long, 0,6-4 cm broad, both surfaces rather densely minutely pubescent, margin strigose.
Petiole pubescent, glandular.
Inflorescence 6-15 flowers, flowers opening before or with the leaves, fragrant.
Pedicel and calyx pubescent, glandular.
Corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, 3,2-3,4 cm long, yellow or orange, the tube usually purplish, without blotch.
Stamens 5-6 cm long, nearly twice as long as the corolla tube.
From N Florida, and the Georgia-Alabama coastal plain to SE Mississippi.
Epithet: Southern.
Rh. x bakeri (W.P.Lemmon et Mckay) H.H.Hume
(Rh. flammeum x Rh. canescens)
Branching shrub to 3 m, ± colonial;
Leaves narrowly obovate, 3–6 cm, less than half as wide, full-grown at anthesis;
Flowers several in a short raceme, orange-red to red, 4 cm wide, the upper lobe of the cor much wider than the others and marked with a large orange spot; sep round-ovate, glandular-ciliate, scarcely 1 mm;
Cumberland Plateau region from E Kentucky. and W Virginia. to E Tennessee., N Georgia., and N Alabama.
Epithet: After Dr. W.F. Baker, Amory University, USA.
Rh. brachycarpum D.Don ex G.Don
sin. Rh. brachycarpum ssp. brachycarpum
Rounded, occasionally, lax shrub, 1,2-3 m high; branchlets often tomentose with a thin fawn tomentum.
Leaves oblong-elliptic, oblong or oblong-obovate; lamina 7-15 cm long, 2,6-7 cm broad; upper surface bright green, glabrous; underside covered with a thin, brown or fawn, continuous unistrate indumentum of radiate hairs.
Petiole glabrous.
Inflorescence a candelabroid umbel of 8-21 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2,5-3 cm long, white flushed pink or creamy-white flushed pink along the middle of the petals, with green spots.
North and Central Japan, Korea. 1,700-2,300 m.
Epithet: With short fruit.
Rh. brachycarpum ssp. fauriei (Franch.) D.F.Chamb.
sin. Rh. fauriei Franch.
Rounded compact shrub 1-3 m high; branchlets with a thin, whitish tomentum, eglandular.
Leaves oblong-obovate or oblong-elliptic; lamina 6,6-10,3 cm long, 3-5 cm broad; upper surface bright green, glabrous; underside pale green, glabrous.
Inflorescence a candelabroid umbel of 12-20 flowers.
Pedicel rather densly hairy.
Calyx minute, 1 mm long.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2,1-2,5 cm long, white or yellowish, flushed pink along the middle of the petals, with green spots, outside glabrous, eglandular.
N Japan, Korea. About 2,500 m.
Epithet: After Pere L.F. Faurie, French Foreign Missions, China.
Rh. brachycarpum ssp. ulleungense
Ulleungas rododendrs
sin. Rh. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii v. ulleungense
Rh. brachycarpum v. tigerstedtii (Nitz.) Davidian
sin. Rh. brachycarpum ssp. brachycarpum
This variety differs from the species type in that the leaves are longer, 15-25 cm in length, and the flowers are broader, 7 cm in breadth.
Korea. 200-900 m.
Epithet: After Dr. Tigerstedt, the former owner of Mustila Arboretum in south Finland.
Rh. bureavii Franch.
sin. Rh. cruentum Levl.
Shrub or tree 1,2-7,6 m high; branchlets densely wooly with cinnamon-coloured or rusty-red wool, glandular.
Leaves oblong-lanceolate, oblong-elliptic or elliptic; lamina 5,5-14 cm long, 2,5-6 cm broad; upper surface dark green, slightly rugulose; underside covered with a thick, woolly, cinnamon-coloured or rusty-red, continuous, bistrate indumentum of hairs.
Petiole densely woolly with cinnamon-coloured or rusty-red wool, glandular.
Inflorescence in trusses of 6-15 flowers.
Pedicel densely woolly, glandular.
Calyx glandular.
Corolla campanulate, 4-5 cm long, white, white suffused with rose, or rose, with crimson spots.
NW Yunnan, SW Sichuan. 3,200-4,300 m.
Epithet: After E. Bureau (1830-1918), a French professor.
Rh. calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr.
Shrub 1-3 m or rarely up to 5 m high; young shoots pubescent and strigose, older branchlets glabrous.
Leaves deciduous, elliptic, oblong-obovate, oblanceolate or lanceolate; lamina 3,5-8 cm long, 1,3-3,5 cm broad, upper surface pubescent or strigose; underside rather densely or moderately pubescent or strigose.
Petiole densely pubescent, and strigose.
Inflorescence 5-8 flowers, flowers opening with or shortly after the leaves.
Corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, 2,5-4 cm long, yellow, yellowish-orange, orange, red or scarlet, with orange blotch, tube glandular outside, lobes glandular or eglandular.
Pennsylvania, W Virginia, N Carolina, Georgia.
Epithet: Like a Calendula.
Rh. campylogynum Franch.
Rh. campylogynum Myrtilloides grupa
sin. Rh. campylogynum Franch. var. myrtilloides (Balf.f. et Kingdon-Ward) Davidian
Rh. camtschaticum Pall.
sin. Rh. chamtschaticus (Pall.) Lindl.
Shrub, low-growing or prostrate or a cushion, 10-30 cm high, and spreads by means of underground suckers; young branchlets hairy with very long hairs, glandular or eglandular.
Leaves deciduous, short-petioled or sessile, obovate or spathulate-obovate; lamina thin, chartaceous, 1,6-5 cm long, 0,8-1,8 cm broad; margin crenulate, bristly; underside bristly.
Inflorescence 1-2 flowers produced at the ends of the young leaf-like bracts.
Corolla rotate, 1,8-2,5 cm long, tube split to the base, carmine-purple, reddish-purple or pink, spotted, outside pubescent.
Stamens 10.
From Kamtschatka, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, southward to Saghalien, the Kurile Islands and N Japan.
Epithet: From Kamtschatka.
Rh. camtschaticum var. albiflorum Koidzumi
sin. Rh. camtschaticum 'White'
The variety differs from the species type in its white flowers.
Japan; Kodiak Island, Alaska.
Epithet: With white flowers.
Rh. canadense (L.) Torr.
sin. Rh. rhodora S.F.Gmelin
Shrub 0,3-1,2 m high; young shoots puberulous, later glabrous.
Leaves deciduous, scattered, oblong, elliptic or oblong-oval; lamina 2-5,5 cm long, 0,6-2,3 cm broad, upper surface pale bluish-green, strigose; underside rather densely minutely puberulous (downy).
Petiole rather densely puberulous.
Inflorescence 3-6 flowers, flowers opening before the leaves.
Corolla rotate-campanulate, 1,6-1,8 cm long, 2-lipped, rose-purple.
Stamens 10.
From Labrador, Newfoundland, Quebec to New England, central New York, NE Pennsylvania and N New Jersey.
Epithet: From Canada.
Rh. carolinianum Rehder
sin. Rh. minus var. minus Carolinianum group
Shrub, compact or somewhat compact, 1-2,4 m high.
Leaves ovate, elliptic, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate; lamina 4,6-10,8 cm long, 1,8-4,6 cm broad; upper surface dark green or pale green, scaly or not scaly; underside densely scaly, scales contiguous to their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence 4-12 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2-3 cm long, pink or pale rosy-purple, with or without faint spots, outside scaly; tube shorter than, or as long as, the lobes.
Eastern USA, N and S Carolina, Tennessee.
Epithet: From Carolina.
Rh. catawbiense Michx.
Shrub 1-3 m or rarely 6 m high; branchlets floccose, eglandular.
Leaves oblong-oval, oval, elliptic or oblong-elliptic; lamina 6,5-15 cm long, 2,6-3 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, glabrous; underside pale whitish-green, glabrous.
Inflorescence a candelabroid umbel of 8-20 flowers.
Corolla funnel-campanulate, 3,5-4,3 cm long, rose, lilac-purple, pink or white, with olive-green spots.
N Carolina, Virginia, USA. 1,200-2,000 m.
Epithet: After the Catawba river, N Carolina, USA.
Rh. caucasicum Pallas
Shrub 0,3-1 m high; branchlets with a thin tomentum; leaf-bud scales persistent.
Leaves oblong, oblong-obovate or obovate; lamina 4-14 cm long, 1,5-4,5 cm broad; upper surface dark green, glabrous; underside covered with a thin, fawn, brown or yellowish, continuous unistrate indumentum of hairs.
Inflorescence a candelabroid umbel of 3-14 flowers; flower-bud scales persistent.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2,3-3,5 cm long, pale cream, white flushed lemon-yellow, white flushed pink, very pale lemon flushed pink, or pale lemon, with or without green spots.
NE Turkey, the Caucasus, and the adjacent parts of Russia. 1,800-3,000 m.
Epithet: From the Caucasus.
Rh. chamaethomsonii (Tagg) Cowan et Davidian
Rh. complexum Balf.f. et W.W.Smith
Saliktais rododendrs
Rh. concinnum Hemsl.
sin. Rh. yanthinum Bur. et Franch
Shrub or small tree 1-4,5 m high; branchlets scaly.
Leaves oblong-elliptic, oblong-lanceolate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate; lamina 2,5-8,5 cm long, 1,2-3,5 cm broad; upper surface dark green; underside densely scaly, scales yellowish, pale or dark brown or yellowish-brown, one-half their own diameter apart or contiguous.
Petiole densely scaly.
Inflorescence 2-5 flowers.
Calyx 5-8 mm long, lobes pinkish or crimson.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,5-3,2 cm long, purple, deep rosy-purple, deep pinkish or white, outside moderately or rather densely scaly.
W Sichuan, W Hubei, Shaanxi. 1,600-4,150 m.
Epithet: Neat.
Rh. cumberlandense E.L.Braun
sin. Rh. bakeri (Lemon et McKay) Hume
Shrub 0,6-2 m high, or low forms 15 cm high, stoloniferous.
Leaves deciduous, obovate; lamina 3-7 cm long, 1,5-2,5 cm broad, upper surface dark green, glabrous or pubescent; underside more or less glaucous, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, eglandular.
Inflorescence 3-7 flowers, flowers opening after the leaves.
Corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, 2,5-4 cm long, 3,5-5 cm across, yellow, orange, reddish-orange or red, with orange-yellow blotch, outside densely puberulous, glandular.
From Kentucky to Georgia, Alabama and N Carolina.
Epithet: After Dr. W.F. Baker, Amory University, USA.
Rh. dauricum L.
Shrub, 1,5-2,4 m high; branchlets scaly, rather densely minutely puberulous.
Leaves deciduous, elliptic, oblong-oval or oval; lamina 1-3,4 cm long, 0,6-2 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, scaly; underside densely scaly, scales overlapping or 0,5 to 1,5 times their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence terminal, or terminal and axillary in the uppermost 1 or 2 leaves, 1-2 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,3-2,3 cm long, precocious, pink, rose-purple, reddish-purple or dark purple, outside pubescent.
Russia, Manchuria, NE China, Korea, Japan.
Epithet: From Dauria, part of SE Siberia, east of Lake Baikal.
Rh. dauricum v. album
Baltziedu Daurijas rododendrs
Rh. decorum Franch.
Shrub or tree 1-9 m high; branchlets glabrous, eglandular.
Leaves oblong, oblong-obovate, obovate or oblong-oval; lamina 5-16,5 cm long, 2-7 cm broad; upper surface olive-green or bright green, wax-coated, becoming glossy when rubbed or heated; underside pale glaucous green, glabrous.
Petiole often glaucous, glabrous, eglandular.
Inflorescence in trusses of 8-12 flowers.
Pedicel moderately or rather densely glandular.
Calyx densely moderately or densely glandular.
Corolla widely funnel-campanulate, 3,5-6 cm long, fragrant, white, white suffused with rose, pink or rose, lobes 6-8.
Stamens 12-16.
Style glandular throughout to the tip with white or yellowish glands.
W and SW Sichuan, SE Tibet, NW and S Yunnan, NE Upper Burma, N Vietnam, 1,800-4,500 m.
Epithet: Ornamental.
Rh. degronianum Carriere
sin. Rh. degronianum ssp. degronianum Carriere
Shrub 1-2 m high; branchlets with a thin, whitish tomentum.
Leaves oblong, obovate or oblong-lanceolate; lamina 8-18 cm long, 2,2-4,6 cm broad; upper surface dark green or olive-green, shiny, glabrous; underside covered with a thick or somewhat thin, felty, fawn or brown, continuous, bistrate indumentum of hairs, eglandular.
Inflorescence candelabroid umbel of 6-15 flowers.
Corolla campanulate, 2,8-4,3 cm long, pink, rose, deep rose, reddish or rarely white, with or without deep pink lines along the middle of the petals; lobes 5.
Stamens 10.
Ovary 5-celled.
Central and Southern Japan. Up to 1,800 m.
Epithet: After M. Degron, Director of the French Posts in Yokohama in 1869.
Rh. dichroanthum ssp. scyphocalyx Cowan
sin. Rh. scyphocalyx Balf.f. et Forrest
Shrub 1-1,5 m high; branchlets with a thin, white or fawn tomentum.
Leaves obovate or oblong-obovate; lamina 3,5-9,5 cm long, 2-4 cm broad, base decurrent on the petiole; upper surface dark or pale green, glabrous, underside covered with a thin, plastered, continuous, white or fawn, unistrate indumentum of hairs.
Petiole margins narrowly winged or ridged.
Inflorescence in trusses of 3-5 flowers.
Pedicel rather densely setulose-glandular.
Calyx 0,4-1 cm long, cup-shaped, divided to about the middle.
Corolla tubular-campanulate, 2,5-4,3 cm long, rose-orange, orange, deep crimson or orange suffused with crimson; 5 nectar pouches.
NE Upper Burma, mid-W Yunnan. 3,000-4,300 m.
Epithet: Cup-shaped calyx.
Rh. discolor Franch.
Raibais rododendrs
sin. Rh. fortunei ssp. discolor D.F.Chamb.
Mūžzaļš, 1,2-8 m augsts krūms. Dzinumi resni un kaili, parādās vēlu - vasaras vidū. Lapas ādainas, otrādi lancetiskas, iegarenas vai iegareni otrādi olveida, 10-20 cm garas un 2,4-7 cm platas, virspusē tumši zaļas, gludas, apakšpusē gaišākas. Ziedi ziedkopās pa 6-10, piltuvveida-zvanveida, 4,6-8 cm gari, balti, gaiši sārti, ar vai bez dzeltenzaļa triepuma. Zied jūnija beigās un jūlijā. Vainags no 7 saaugušām vainaglapām.
Suga pirmoreiz aprakstīta 1900. gadā. Latvijā introducēta 1956. gadā. Savvaļā sastopams Ķīnā - Sičuaņā un Hubejas mežos 1000-2300 m augstumā.
Epitets: dažādās krāsās.
Rh. fastigiatum Franch.
sin. Rh. capitatum Franch.
Shrub, 0,5-1,2 m high; branchlets densely scaly.
Leaves oblong, elliptic, oblong-eliptic or oblong-oval; lamina 0,6-1,8 cm long, 2-8 mm broad; upper surface glaucous-green or pale glaucous-green (in young leaves, markedly glaucous-grey), matt, densely scaly; underside densely scaly, scales brown or dark brown, overlapping or nearly contiguous.
Inflorescence 2-5 flowers.
Calyx 3-5 mm long.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1-1,5 cm long, purplish-blue, bright lavender-blue, deep purple-blue or lavender-rose, outside not scaly or sometimes scaly on the lobes.
Mid-W and NW Yunnan. 3,200-4,400 m.
Epithet: Erect.
Rh. ferrugineum L.
Shrub, 0,3-1,2 m high; branchlets densely scaly, glabrous, not bristly.
Leaves oblanceolate, lanceolate or oblong; lamina 1,6-4,3 cm long, 0,6-1,6 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, not scaly, not bristly; underside densely scaly, scales dark brown or reddish-brown, overlapping.
Petiole not bristly.
Inflorescence 5-16 flowers.
Calyx minute, 0,5-1 mm long.
Corolla tubular, with spreading lobes, 1,3-1,7 cm long, crimson-purple, rose-scarlet or deep rose, rarely white, outside moderately or rather densely scaly.
European Alps, the Pyrenees, Austrian Alps, W Yugoslavia.
Epithet: Rusty-coloured.
Rh. forrestii ssp. forrestii
Foresta rododendrs
Rh. fortunei Lindl.
sin. Rh. fortunei ssp. fortunei D.F.Chamb
Shrub or tree 1,8-9 m high; branchlets glabrous.
Leaves obovate, oblong-obovate, oblong-elliptic or oblong; lamina 7-17 cm long, 2,8-8 cm broad; upper surface olive-green or dark green, matt, glabrous; underside pale glaucous green, glabrous, under magnification with minute glands and hairs.
Petiole purple, glabrous, eglandular.
Inflorescence in trusses of 6-12 flowers.
Pedicel moderately or densely glandular.
Calyx 6-7-lobed, glandular.
Corolla widely funnel-campanulate, 4-6 cm long, fragrant, pale rose, lilac or pink; lobes 7.
Stamens 14.
Ovary densely glandular.
Style glandular throughout to the tip with white or yellowish glands.
Chekiang, Kiangsi, Anhwei, Hunan, E China. 600-1,200 m.
Epithet: After Robert Fortune (1812-1880).