Rh. ambiguum Hemsl.
Shrub 0,6-5,8 m high; branchlets densely or moderately scaly.
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate or eliptic; lamina 2,3-8 cm long, 1,2-3,2 cm broad; upper surface scaly; underside glaucous, scaly, scales large, unequal differently coloured yellowish-brown, dark brown or blackish, contiguous to their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence 2-7 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2-3,4 cm long, yellow or greenish-yellow, with green spots, outside scaly.
W Sichuan. 2,300-4,500 m.
Epithet: Doubtful.
Rh. calostrotum ssp. keleticum (Balf. f. et Forrest) Cullen
sin. Rh. keleticum Balf. f. et Forrest
A very compact, rounded spreading shrub, 15-45 cm high; or a semiprostrate shrub 8-15 cm high; branchlets densely scaly, not bristly.
Leaves oblong, oblong-elliptic, lanceolate; lamina 0,7-2,1 cm long, 3-9 mm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny; underside densely scaly, scales overlapping.
Petiole scaly, not bristly.
Inflorescence 1-3 flowers.
Calyx 5-8 mm long, lobes pinkish or crimson.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,6-3 cm long, deep purplish-crimson or deep purplish-rose, with crimson spots, outside rather densely pubescent, scaly along the middle of the lobes.
E and SE Tibet, NW Yunnan. 3,950-4,575 m.
Epithet: Charming.
Rh. camtschaticum Pall.
Shrub, low-growing or prostrate or a cushion, 10-30 cm high, and spreads by means of underground suckers; young branchlets hairy with very long hairs, glandular or eglandular.
Leaves deciduous, short-petioled or sessile, obovate or spathulate-obovate; lamina thin, chartaceous, 1,6-5 cm long, 0,8-1,8 cm broad; margin crenulate, bristly; underside bristly.
Inflorescence 1-2 flowers produced at the ends of the young leaf-like bracts.
Corolla rotate, 1,8-2,5 cm long, tube split to the base, carmine-purple, reddish-purple or pink, spotted, outside pubescent.
Stamens 10.
From Kamtschatka, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, southward to Saghalien, the Kurile Islands and N Japan.
Epithet: From Kamtschatka.
Rh. camtschaticum var. albiflorum Koidzumi
The variety differs from the species type in its white flowers.
Japan; Kodiak Island, Alaska.
Epithet: With white flowers.
Rh. concinnum Hemsl.
sin. Rh. yanthinum Bur. et Franch
Shrub or small tree 1-4,5 m high; branchlets scaly.
Leaves oblong-elliptic, oblong-lanceolate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate; lamina 2,5-8,5 cm long, 1,2-3,5 cm broad; upper surface dark green; underside densely scaly, scales yellowish, pale or dark brown or yellowish-brown, one-half their own diameter apart or contiguous.
Petiole densely scaly.
Inflorescence 2-5 flowers.
Calyx 5-8 mm long, lobes pinkish or crimson.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,5-3,2 cm long, purple, deep rosy-purple, deep pinkish or white, outside moderately or rather densely scaly.
W Sichuan, W Hubei, Shaanxi. 1,600-4,150 m.
Epithet: Neat.
Rh. dauricum L.
Shrub, 1,5-2,4 m high; branchlets scaly, rather densely minutely puberulous.
Leaves deciduous, elliptic, oblong-oval or oval; lamina 1-3,4 cm long, 0,6-2 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, scaly; underside densely scaly, scales overlapping or 0,5 to 1,5 times their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence terminal, or terminal and axillary in the uppermost 1 or 2 leaves, 1-2 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,3-2,3 cm long, precocious, pink, rose-purple, reddish-purple or dark purple, outside pubescent.
Russia, Manchuria, NE China, Korea, Japan.
Epithet: From Dauria, part of SE Siberia, east of Lake Baikal.
Rh. fastigiatum Franch.
Shrub, 0,5-1,2 m high; branchlets densely scaly.
Leaves oblong, elliptic, oblong-eliptic or oblong-oval; lamina 0,6-1,8 cm long, 2-8 mm broad; upper surface glaucous-green or pale glaucous-green (in young leaves, markedly glaucous-grey), matt, densely scaly; underside densely scaly, scales brown or dark brown, overlapping or nearly contiguous.
Inflorescence 2-5 flowers.
Calyx 3-5 mm long.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1-1,5 cm long, purplish-blue, bright lavender-blue, deep purple-blue or lavender-rose, outside not scaly or sometimes scaly on the lobes.
Mid-W and NW Yunnan. 3,200-4,400 m.
Epithet: Erect.
Rh. ferrugineum L.
Shrub, 0,3-1,2 m high; branchlets densely scaly, glabrous, not bristly.
Leaves oblanceolate, lanceolate or oblong; lamina 1,6-4,3 cm long, 0,6-1,6 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, not scaly, not bristly; underside densely scaly, scales dark brown or reddish-brown, overlapping.
Petiole not bristly.
Inflorescence 5-16 flowers.
Calyx minute, 0,5-1 mm long.
Corolla tubular, with spreading lobes, 1,3-1,7 cm long, crimson-purple, rose-scarlet or deep rose, rarely white, outside moderately or rather densely scaly.
European Alps, the Pyrenees, Austrian Alps, W Yugoslavia.
Epithet: Rusty-coloured.
Rh. groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron et Judd
sin. Ledum groenlandicum Oeder
Upright shrub 0,7-2 m high; branchlets rusty tomentose.
Leaves aromatic when bruised, narrowly oblong, 2-6 cm long, 0,5-1,5 cm wide, margins very revolute; upper surface dark green with a few loose hairs; underside tomentose and lepidote, with a thick indumentum, upper layer felty, ferrugineous, obscuring the scales, and a lower layer of short white hairs; densely scaly and with reddish glands.
Petiole short, 1-5 mm.
Inflorescence to 5 cm across, many flowers.
Pedicel slender, downy.
Calyx minute.
Corolla white, rotate, 4-8 mm.
Stamens 7-10.
Ovary glandular.
Style glabrous.
Greenland, Canada, Northern USA. 1,000-1,800 m.
Epithet: From Greenland.
Rh. hanceanum Nanum grupa
sin. Rh. hanceanum Hemsl. 'Nanum'
Dwarf compact shrub 8-15 cm high, and up to 25 cm wide, with small leaves 2-3,5 cm long, 1-1,6 cm broad, and with yellow flowers.
Epithet: Dwarf habit.
Rh. hirsutum L.
Small shrub 0,3-1 m high; branchlets scaly, often bristly.
Leaves obovate, oblong, oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate; lamina 0,8-2,6 cm long, 0,4-1,3 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny; margin crenulate, bristly; underside pale green, laxly scaly, scales 2-4 times their own diameter apart.
Petiole bristly.
Inflorescence 4-12 flowers.
Calyx 2-5 mm long, margin with long hairs.
Corolla tubular with spreading lobes, 1-2 cm long, rose-pink, scarlet or crimson, outside scaly, inside pubescent, margin of the lobes hairy.
Central European Alps, Austrian Alps, NW Yugoslavia.
Epithet: Hairy.
Rh. impeditum Balf. f. et. W.W. Smith
Small very compact, spreading or rounded shrub 10-80 m high; branchlets short, thick, densely scaly.
Leaves elliptic, oblong-oval, oblong or oblong-elliptic; lamina 0,5-1,6 cm long, 3-6 cm broad; upper surface dark green, in both the adult and young leaves, not glaucous, somewhat shiny, scaly; underside densely scaly, scales one-half their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence 1-3 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 0,9-1,6 cm long, pale or deep purple, intense blue-purple, bright violet, lavender or pale or deep rose-purple.
Stamens 10, long-exserted.
Mid-W and NW Yunnan, SW Sichuan. 3,650-4,900 m.
Epithet: Tangled.
Rh. kaempferi Planch.
Shrub 30 cm-3 m high; young twigs densely brown-strigose, eglandular.
Leaves evergreen or semi-evergreen, chartaceous, dimorphic; spring leaves lanceolate, elliptic or ovate, 2-5 cm long, 1-2,5 cm broad, mostly deciduous; summer leaves smaller, oblong-obovate, obovate or elliptic, mostly persistent through the winter; in both types, upper surface is glossy green, underside is paler, brown-strigose on both surfaces and on the margin.
Inflorescence 2-4 flowers.
Pedicel densely brown-strigose.
Calyx brown-strigose.
Corolla funnel-shaped, 2,6-3,8 cm long, 2,5-4,3 cm across, salmon-red, brick-red or some shade of red.
Stamens 5.
Japan. Sea-level to about 1,600 m.
Epithet: After E. Kaempfer (1651-1716), who wrote about Japanese plants.
Rh. kiusianum Makino
Shrub, low dense much-branched, often prostrate, sometimes broadly upright, 0,3-1 m high; young shoots densely brown-strigose.
Leaves evergreen or semi-evergreen, chartaceous, dimorphic; spring leaves broadly, ovate or obovate, small, 0,8-2 cm long, 0,5-1 cm broad; summer leaves smaller, obovate, oblanceolate, elliptic or ovate, the uppermost ones are persistent through the winter; in both types upper surface is glossy, dark green, underside paler, brown-strigose on both surfaces and on the margin.
Inflorescence 2-3 flowers.
Corolla funnel-shaped, small, 1,5-2 cm long, 1,3-2,5 cm across, rose-purple, purple, red or pink, sometimes white.
Stamens 5.
Japan. 600-1,600 m.
Epithet: From Kyusu, Japan.
Rh. kotschyi Simonkai
sin. Rh. myrtifolium Schott et Kotschy
Small shrub 30-45 cm high; branchlets scaly, not bristly.
Leaves oblong, oblong-obovate or oblanceolate; lamina 0,9-2,3 cm, long, 5-8 mm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, not scaly; margin crenulate; underside densely scaly, scales contiguous or slightly overlapping or one-half their own diameter apart.
Petiole scaly, not bristly.
Inflorescence 3-7 flowers.
Pedicel scaly, rather densely or moderately minutely puberulous.
Corolla tubular, tube slender, with spreading lobes, crimson-purple, scarlet-purple, rosy-purple or rarely white, rather densely pubescent on the tube, moderately pubescent on the lobes.
Transylvanian and Carpathian mountains and the mountains of Bulgaria and Yugoslav Macedonia. 1,500-2,400 m.
Epithet: With myrtle-like foliage.
Rh. lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb.
Dwarf shrub 5-45 cm or sometimes 60-90 cm high; branchlets short, densely scaly.
Leaves elliptic, oblong, or oblong-obovate; lamina 0,5-1,5 cm long, 2-5 mm broad; upper surface pale green, matt, densely scaly; underside densely scaly, scales dark brown or brown, overlapping.
Inflorescence 2-5 flowers.
Pedicel densely scaly.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, small, 0,7-1 cm long, rose-purple, pinkish-purple or pink.
Stamens 5-10.
Arctic regions, Lapland, N Sweden, N Norway, Greenaland, Labrador, NE USA, Canadian Arctic. From sea level up to 1,850 m.
Epithet: From Lapland.
Rh. ledebourii Pojark.
Altai Mountains, Russia.
Rh. ledebourii v. album
Rh. ledebourii v. roseum
Rh. micranthum Turcz.
Shrub 0,6-2,5 m high; branchlets thin, scaly, rather densely minutely puberulous.
Leaves oblanceolate or lanceolate; lamina 1,5-3,8 cm long, 0,4-1,5 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny; underside densely scaly, scales overlapping or contiguous or 5 times their own diameter apart.
Petiole scaly, minutely puberulous.
Inflorescence racemose, 10-28 flowers, rhachis 1-2,6 cm long.
Corolla campanulate, small, 4-6 mm long, white, outside scaly.
N and central China, Manchuria, Korea. 1,600-3,000 m.
Epithet: Small flowers.
Rh. minus var. minus Carolinianum group
sin. Rh. carolinianum Rehder
Shrub, compact or somewhat compact, 1-2,4 m high.
Leaves ovate, elliptic, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate; lamina 4,6-10,8 cm long, 1,8-4,6 cm broad; upper surface dark green or pale green, scaly or not scaly; underside densely scaly, scales contiguous to their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence 4-12 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2-3 cm long, pink or pale rosy-purple, with or without faint spots, outside scaly; tube shorter than, or as long as, the lobes.
Eastern USA, N and S Carolina, Tennessee.
Epithet: From Carolina.
Rh. mucronulatum var. mucronulatum Turcz.
Shrub 1-4 m high; branchlets slender, scaly.
Leaves deciduous, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate or lanceolate; lamina thin, 3,2-8 cm long, 1,3-3,6 cm broad; upper surface bright green, scaly; margin crenulate; underside pale green, scaly, scales 2-4 times their own diameter apart.
Petiole scaly, not bristly or sometimes bristly.
Inflorescence terminal, or terminal and axillary, 1-3 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2,3-2,8 mm long, precocious (flowers appearing before the leaves), rose, rose-purple or reddish-purple, outside not scaly, pubescent.
SE Siberia, Manchuria, N China, Korea, Japan.
Epithet: With a small point.
Rh. neoglandulosum Harmaja
sin. Ledum glandulosum Nutt., Ledum californicum Kellogg
Erect shrub 0,5-2 m; branchlets puberulous and glandular.
Leaves 1,2-5 cm long by 0,5-2 cm wide, broadly elliptic-oval, or ovate apex acuminate, margins flat or slightly revolute; upper surface dark green; underside glabrous or more or less pubescent, with white glistening scales 1-2 times their own diameter apart.
Petiole 0,4-1 cm.
Inflorescence many flowers, about 5 cm across.
Calyx small, margins ciliate.
Corolla small, cupped, white, rotate.
Pedicels 1,5-4 cm, often glandular.
Stamens 8-12.
Ovary densely glandular, scaly.
Style sparsely glandular.
Epithet: Glandular.
Rh. x 'Obtusum'
sin. Rh. kiusianum x Rh. kaempferi
Low shrub up to 1 m high, rarely more, sometimes nearly prostrate, twiggy; branchlets densely brown-strigose.
Leaves partly evergreen, dimorphic; spring leaves (which are formed immediately after the flowers open) are deciduous, chartaceous, lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, bright green above, pale beneath, both surfaces strigose; summer leaves evergreen, fairly coriaceous, smaller, obovate or oblong-obovate, both surfaces strigose.
Inflorescence 1-3 flowers.
Pedicel densely strigose.
Calyx 1-3 mm long.
Corolla funnel-shaped, 2,4-2,8 cm long, bright red, scarlet, crimson, salmon or salmon-red.
Epithet: Blunt.
Rh. racemosum Franch.
Shrub 0,15-4,6 m high; branchlets glabrous or minutely puberulous, scaly.
Leaves elliptic, oblong-elliptic, obovate, oval, oblong or oblong-lanceolate; lamina 1-5,4 cm long, 0,4-2,6 cm broad; upper surface glabrous, scaly or not scaly; underside glaucous, scaly, scales 0,5-2 times their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence axillary in the uppermost few leaves, flowers usually in several clusters forming a raceme along the branchlet, 1-4 flowers.
Calyx minute, 0,5 mm long.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 0,8-2,3 cm long, white, pink, deep rose or reddish-pink, outside scaly.
Mid-W and NW Yunnan, SW Sichuan. 1,850-4,250 m.
Epithet: Flowers in racemes.
Rh. rubiginosum Franch.
Shrub or tree 0,6-9 m high; branchlets scaly.
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, not aromatic; lamina 3-9 cm long, 1,3-4,2 cm broad; upper surface pale green or dark green, somewhat matt, scaly or not scaly; underside densely scaly, scales rust-coloured or brown, overlapping or contiguous, with or without widely scattered larger darker scales.
Inflorescence 4-8 flowers.
Corolla tubular-funnel-shaped, or funnel-shaped 1,6-3,1 cm long, pink, pale rose, pinkish-purple, lavender-purple or white, with crimson spots, outside scaly.
W and NW Yunnan, SE Tibet, SW Sichuan. 2,450-4,250 m.
Epithet: Reddish-brown.
Rh. russatum Balf. f. et Forrest
Shrub 0,35-1,5 m high; branchlets densely scaly.
Leaves oblong-elliptic, oblong-oval, oval, oblong or oblong-lanceolate; lamina 0,8-6,5 cm long, 0,4-2,3 cm broad; upper surface dark or pale green, densely scaly, scales nearly contiguous or overlapping; underside densely scaly, the scales large, dark brown and yellow, or unicolorous, cinnamon-red, dark brown or brown, overlapping or one-half their own diameter apart.
Inflorescence 3-10 or rarely 14 flowers.
Calyx 3-6 mm long.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,3-2 cm long, white, deep purple-blue, rose-purple, deep violet-purple, light purple or violet, outside not scaly.
NW and mid-W Yunnan, NE Upper Burma, SW Sichuan. 3,350-4,300 m.
Epithet: Reddened.
Rh. saluenense ssp. chameunum Balf. f. et Forrest
sin. Rhododendron prostratum W. W. Smith
Small shrub 5-60 cm high; branchlets densely scaly, moderately or densely bristly.
Leaves oblong-oval, oval, elliptic or obovate; lamina 0,5-2 cm long, 0,4-1,1 cm broad; upper surface dark green, shiny, not scaly or sometimes scaly; underside densely scaly, scales overlapping crenulate.
Petiole bristly.
Inflorescence 1-6 flowers.
Pedicels bristly.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 1,7-2,9 cm long, deep purplish-rose or purple-crimson, with crimson spots.
W and NW Yunnan, NE Upper Burma, SW Sichuan, SE Tibet. 3,350-4,575 m.
Epithet: Lying on the ground.
Rh. searsiae Rehd. et E.H.Wilson
Shrub 1,5-5 m high; branchlets scaly.
Leaves lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate; lamina 2,5-8 cm long, 1-2,6 cm broad, apex acuminate, acutely acuminate or acute; upper surface dark green or pale green, scaly; underside bluish-glaucous, densely scaly, scales yellowish or pale brown, one-half their own diameter apart, with larger dark brown scattered scales.
Inflorescence 3-8 flowers.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, 2-3,4 cm long, white or pale rose-purple, with light green spots, not scaly outside.
W Sichuan. 2,300-3,000 m.
Epithet: After Sarah C. Sears, American artist.
Rh. sichotense Pojark.
Rh. tomentosum ssp. tomentosum
sin. Ledum palustre L.
Dwarf shrub of thin habit, 0,3-1,2 m high; branchlets rusty tomentose, glandular.
Leaves 1-5 cm long, 0,2-0,8 cm wide, linear, margin strongly revolute; upper surface matt dark green; underside with a bistrate indumentum, upper layer thick woolly, ferrugineous, lower layer of short setulose hairs and/or reddish glands, always scaly.
Inflorescence many flowers.
Calyx minute.
Corolla 1,2 cm across white, rotate.
Stamens 7-10.
Ovary glandular.
Style glabrous.
N & Central Europe, Russia (to S Siberia). 0-2,000 m.
Epithet: Tomentose.
Rh. tschonoskii Maxim.
Rh. yedoense var. poukhanense (H. Lev.) Nakai
Shrub 0,6-1,8 m high, sometimes low or prostrate; shoots densely brown or grey-strigose, eglandular.
Leaves dimorphic, deciduous or semi-deciduous; spring leaves chartaceous, oblanceolate, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate; lamina 2,8-7,8 cm long, 0,5-2 cm broad; upper surface dark green, grey or brown strigose, margin strigose, underside paler, grey or brown-strigose; summer leaves thicker, oblanceolate or lanceolate, smaller, 0,4-1 cm long; upper surface soon glabrescent, otherwise same as spring leaves.
Petiole densely brown-strigose.
Inflorescence 2-4 flowers, flowers expanding with or shortly before the leaves.
Pedicel brown-strigose.
Calyx outside brown-strigose.
Corolla widely funnel-shaped, large, 3,2-4,2 cm long, 3,2-5 cm across, rose, rosy-purple or pale lilac-purple, with purple-brown spots, fragrant.
Korea, and Tsushima (Japan). Sea-level up to 1,800 m.
Epithet: From Mt Poukhan-san, Korea.