The cultivar was created in 1978 by crossing ♀ 'Aida' x ♂ ‘Uguns’. The cultivar was selected in 1990, registered in 2010. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, first half of June. One of the few cultivars with double flowers. Forms a dense, well-branched bush. In twenty years it reaches 3 m in height and 3.2 m in width.
A hardy, winter-hardy cultivar, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
♀’Uguns’ x ♂ Exbury seedling (Ex-5). Crossbreeding of 1982, selected in 2001. Registered in the International Rhododendron Register in 2023. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, first half of June. The cultivar is characterized by large, orange-red flowers with wrinkled petal edges. At eighteen years, the bush is 2.5 m high and 2.3 m wide.
Winter hardiness is very good, suitable for cultivation throughout Latvia.
A cultivar obtained by crossing the Exbury group seedling ♀ Ex-5 x ♂ Rh. luteum Sweet. Crossbreeding of 1978. The cultivar was selected in 1990, registered in 2005. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. The cultivar is distinguished by its large bright yellow flowers, which are lightly fragrant. A strong-growing summer-green rhododendron. In twenty years, it reaches 3.2 m in height and 3 m in width.
Suitable for cultivation in the central and western parts of Latvia.
♀’Homebush’ x ♂’Toucan’. Crossbreed of 2000, selected in 2012. Registered in the International Rhododendron Register in 2023. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. The cultivar is characterized by double, soft yellowish-pink flowers in dense hemispherical inflorescences. The stamens are decoratively curved upwards. In twenty-two years, the bush is 2 m high and 2 m wide.
Winter hardiness is very good, suitable for cultivation throughout Latvia.
The cultivar was obtained in 1976 by crossing the Exbury group seedling ♀ Ex-5 x ♂ 'Uguns'. The cultivar was selected in 1983, registered in 2003. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. The cultivar is characterized by large spherical inflorescences. Forms an upright shrub. In twenty years, it reaches a height of 2.9 m and a width of 2.6 m.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was obtained from the cross ♀ Rh. x kosterianum C. K. Schneid. x ♂ Rh. prinophyllum (Small) Millais. The cross was made in 1974. The cultivar was selected in 2004, registered in 2016. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in the first half of June. The flowers are characterized by crinkled edges of the corolla. Forms a narrow, upright shrub with strong branching. In twenty years it reaches 2.5 m in height and 1.8 m in width.
The cultivar is winter-hardy, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was obtained by crossing ♀ 'Uguns' x ♂ Ex-5 (Exbury group seedling). The crossing was carried out in 1976, the cultivar was selected in 1983, registered in 2001. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, first half of June, very abundantly. Very decorative cultivar with large yellow-orange flowers. In twenty years reaches 3 m in height and 2.5 m in width.
Completely winter-hardy cultivar in Latvia.
The cultivar was created in 1976 by crossing the Exbury group seedling ♀ Ex-5 x ♂ 'Uguns'. Selected in 1982, registered in 2002. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. Characteristic bright, bright orange flower color. The cultivar forms a large, upright shrub, which in twenty-five years reaches a height of 3.2 m and a width of 2.5 m.
A winter-hardy cultivar in the climatic conditions of Latvia, recommended for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was obtained by crossing ♀ 'Homebush' x ♂ 'Austra'. The crossing was carried out in 1999. The variety was selected in 2006, registered in 2014. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. Flowers lightly fragrant. Double flowers and round spherical inflorescences make it different from other deciduous rhododendron cultivars. Forms a densely branched, upright shrub. In twenty years, it reaches 2.5 m in height and 2 m in width.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
♀’Homebush’ x ♂’Austra’. Crossbreeding from 1999, selected in 2006. Registered in the International Rhododendron Register in 2023. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. Very abundantly flowering cultivar with yellowish-pink double flowers, with a pleasant scent and crinkled leaf edges. At twenty-three years, the bush is 3 m high and 2.5 m wide.
Winter hardiness is very good, suitable for cultivation throughout Latvia.
The cultivar was created in 1999 by crossing ♀ 'Homebush' x ♂ 'Austra'. Selected in 2006. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. Flowers are double, with pointed, bent tips of the corolla. Growth is bushy. In eighteen years, the bush reaches a height of 2.3 m and a width of 2.3 m.
Winter hardiness is good, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was created in 1999 by crossing ♀ 'Homebush' x ♂ 'Austra'. Selected in 2006, registered in 2018. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. Flowers are double, with drooping petal tips, in globular inflorescences. Growth is bushy. In eighteen years, the bush reaches a height of 2.6 m and a width of 2.6 m.
Good winter hardiness, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
♀ Ex-5 x ♂ 'Uguns' 1976 cross. The cultivar was selected in 1983, registered in 2013. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
The cultivar blooms profusely in the first half of June. The cultivar forms an upright bush. 20-year-old bushes 2 m high and 2 m wide.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness, therefore it is suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was obtained by crossing ♀ 'Aida' x ♂ 'Uguns'. The crossing was carried out in 1978. The cultivar was selected in 1994, registered in 2016. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in the first half of June. Strongly growing shrub with upright branches. 35-year-old shrub 2.5 m high, 2.5 m wide.
Very good winter hardiness, suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was created from seedlings of the deciduous rhododendron group Exbury from 1971. The cultivar was selected in 1976, registered in 2001. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June, very abundantly. Twenty-year-old bushes 2 m high and 2 m wide.
The cultivar is characterized by high winter hardiness, which ensures its cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was created from free-pollinated seedlings of Japanese rhododendron (Rh. japonicum (A. Gray) Suring.) in 1965. The cultivar was selected in 1972, registered in 2001. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June, very abundantly. Forms a symmetrical bush. Twenty-year-old plants 2 m high and 2 m wide.
Completely winter-hardy cultivar. Useful for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
♀’Aida’ x ♂’Uguns’. Crossbreeding from 1978, selected in 1985. Registered in the International Rhododendron Register in 2023. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in the first half of June. The cultivar is characterized by orange-pink flowers with a yellow upper corolla, wrinkled corolla edges. In forty-four years, the bush is 2.2 m high and 2.5 m wide.
Winter hardiness is very good, suitable for cultivation throughout Latvia.
The cultivar was created by crossing ♀ 'Uguns' x ♂ Ex-5. The crossing was carried out in 1976, the cultivar was selected in 1982, registered in 2002. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. Forms an upright bush. Twenty-year-old plants reach a height of 2 m.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness, useful for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was created from the cross of ♀ 'Aida' x ♂ 'Uguns' hybrid seedlings. The cross was made in 1978. The cultivar was selected in 1985, registered in 2013. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
The cultivar blooms very abundantly in the first half of June. Forms upright, strong, densely branched bushes. 20-year-old bushes 2 m high and 2 m wide.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness. Suitable for cultivation throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was created by crossing ♀ Ex-5 x ♂ Rh. luteum Sweet. The crossing was carried out in 1978. The cultivar was selected in 1984, registered in 2002. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
The cultivar blooms in late May, early June. The cultivar forms an upright habit. Twenty-year-old bushes 2 m high and 1.8 m wide.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness. Recommended for cultivation throughout Latvia.
The cultivar was created in 2000 by crossing ♀ 'Homebush' x ♂ ‘Toucan’. The cultivar was selected in 2009, registered in 2020. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June. The cultivar has spherical inflorescences, flowers are white, double, with a yellow spots. The growth is wide-bush. In nineteen years, it reaches a height of 1.9 m and a width of 2.3 m.
Winter-hardy cultivar, suitable for cultivation in the central and western parts of Latvia.
The cultivar was created by crossing ♀ Rh. x kosterianum C.K. Schneid. x ♂ Rh. roseum Rehd. The crossing was carried out in 1974. The cultivar was selected in 1981, registered in 1999. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, early June, very abundantly. Upright bushes, twenty-year-old bushes 2 m high and 2.8 m wide.
The cultivar has good winter hardiness, so it can be used throughout the territory of Latvia.
The cultivar was created by crossing ♀’Homebush’ x ♂’Austra’. The crossing was carried out in 1999. The cultivar was selected in 2006, registered in 2021. Breeder Rihards Kondratovičs.
Blooms in late May, first half of June. At the age of twenty, the bush is 2.4 m high and 2 m wide.
Very good winter hardiness. Recommended for cultivation throughout Latvia.
The name is derived from the first and last name of Miua Nizamutdinova, grandmother of Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergen.